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Heart Of Gold

A4 or A3 Art Print "Star Lion" transformational ascension art, lion with foxgloves and a star, energy streaming to earth, lionsgate portal

A4 or A3 Art Print "Star Lion" transformational ascension art, lion with foxgloves and a star, energy streaming to earth, lionsgate portal

Regular price £23.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £23.00 GBP
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Framed or unframed

Star Lion- Healing Artwork
Energetic properties:
This lion painting is connected to the lionsgate portal, a gateway for this transformative energy arriving to the earth to catapult us into the new paradigm and this is anchored through the ears of the lion (hearing the souls guidance) and the foxgloves and pink flowers which were grounding the starlight through relationship, transmuting the blockages to being with your true souls pairing.

27/07/2013 date of completion of painting: Chanel via Tracy Robbins about the Lionsgate (occurs 8/8 every year). In the days coming you will notice a resolution to many issues that have dumb founded you in current times and past millennia. This influx of light will expand throughout the cosmos, encircling the earth in a golden haze, bringing about constant eloquent change in a fashion which has not before been recognised. The dawning of the new era is imminent, it is upon us, the resolution to global problems is about to occur. Fads and fashions in ways of being, in religion, in soul expression, are about to become outmoded as true authentic soul expression replaces them. Triads and trinities are forming in the cosmos and on earth. These alliances form solid unbreakable structures with great manifesting ability and functionality. Rescuing will a be a thing of the past as all will begin to be held in the field of unity. Rest in the supportive arms of the unity field, understand you are safe, allow yourself to be held.

Vibrational Art is artwork that was created with a healing intention. Everything we see or touch holds a vibration. Those who are sensitive to these energies can sit on a chair in a park and feel the feelings of the person who left the strongest energy imprint on it. You may have noticed that food tastes better in certain restaurants where the atmosphere is nicer, or when the person preparing it just loves preparing food.  In the same way art holds the feelings and emotions of the creator.  When the artist channels the artwork, holds a healing intention for it or does energy work on it during or after the painting process, the vibration can have amazing results for the recipient or person having the painting in their environment.

This is available in sizes A4 or A5 and is printed on good quality art paper which ideally would be framed behind glass for optimal care and longevity.

You can also purchase it framed in and A3 size. If your print is A4 size, there will be a matt board between the frame and the print as pictured. (Picture coming). If you have purchased the A3 size, there is no matt as the Image fits the frame perfectly. See image (coming).

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